作者: wwj690 时间: 2014-4-25 17:04
看不懂。。。。。。。。作者: 天利豹 时间: 2014-4-25 17:51
高手转换一下作者: zlemzlem 时间: 2014-4-25 19:46
周三AUD/JPY 周三AUD/JPY作者: yangsail 时间: 2014-4-25 19:52
源网站上的原话:Warning! According to the latest tests of this strategy on the period from 2008-07-07 through 2014-01-24, it is no longer profitable leads to significant losses.[size=0.8em]Do not use this strategy on a live account! Use for educational purpose only.作者: 想卟菿筅甡`~ 时间: 2014-4-25 20:50
要不就别发 发就发全了 你发这个让不懂的人怎么看 作者: 小菩 时间: 2014-4-25 21:26 标题: 周三AUD/JPY简单的交易系统 AUD/JPY周三15:00智能交易是一种基于与名称相符的交易策略。它会在每个周三的15:00(美国东部标准时间)开启一份头寸并于一个小时之后(美国东部标准时间的16:00)结束该笔头寸。从长期来看,它会带来稳定的收益。将其应用于H1的时间框架。如果您打算对其进行回溯测试,请使用索引订单选项替换掉标签订单选项,因为MetaTrader 4策略测试器使用标签时不能正常工作。 警告! 自2008-07-07到2014-01-24时间周期内的此EA的最新回测显示完全失败。
我使用AUD/JPY周三15:00 MetaTrader智能交易的测试结果为初始账户余额$10,000,获利$7,900。我使用的是AUD/JPY H1图表,持仓为1标准手。最大浮动亏损仅为$1,723 (10.3%)。我进行回溯测试的时间为2008-07-07到2009-11-09。在这段时期,AUD/JPY既有长期的上升趋势也有长期下跌趋势。 迷你常见问题解答这个EA使用的止损和止盈是怎样设置的?
如何设置时区参数? //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
//| AUDJPYWednseday1500 |
//| Copyright ?2009 |
//* Based on Wednesday AUD/JPY Strategy:
//* Trades only on bars' open on 15:00 EST each Wednesday with AUD/JPY pair
#property copyright "Copyright ?2009, EarnForex.com"
#property link "http://www.****.com"
extern double Lots = 0.1;
extern int Slippage = 5;
extern int Server_EST_Difference = 6;
double Poin;
int Deviation;
int LastBars = 0;
int ticket = -1;
int HourToCheck;
int DayToCheck;
int init()
Poin = Point;
Deviation = Slippage;
//Checking for unconvetional Point digits number
if ((Point == 0.00001) || (Point == 0.001))
Poin *= 10;
Deviation *= 10;
if ((15 + Server_EST_Difference) > 23)
HourToCheck = 15 + Server_EST_Difference - 24;
DayToCheck = 4;
HourToCheck = 15 + Server_EST_Difference;
DayToCheck = 3;
//| Checking time and date then posting order or closing position |
int start()
//Wait for the new Bar in a chart.
if (LastBars == Bars) return(0);
else LastBars = Bars;
if ((Hour() == HourToCheck) && (DayOfWeek() == DayToCheck))
ticket = fSell();
else if (((Hour() != HourToCheck) || (DayOfWeek() != DayToCheck)) && (ticket != -1))
//| Sell |
int fSell()
int result = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, Deviation, 0, 0, "AUD/JPY Wednesday 15:00 EST");
if (result == -1)
int e = GetLastError();
else return(result);
//| Close an order |
void fClose()
OrderClose(ticket, Lots, Ask, Deviation);
} 作者: 流星划过夜空 时间: 2014-4-25 23:56
这个让不懂的人怎么看作者: cheng0ye 时间: 2014-4-26 10:25