标题: 那位老大可以解释下这个代码的意思,跪谢了! [打印本页] 作者: 顺水的鱼 时间: 2012-5-21 15:48 标题: 那位老大可以解释下这个代码的意思,跪谢了! extern string moneymanagement="Money Management";
extern double lots=0.1; // lots size
extern bool mm=false; // enable risk management
extern double risk=1; // risk in percentage of the account
extern double minlot=0.01; // minimum lots size
extern double maxlot=100; // maximum lots size
extern int lotdigits=2; // lot digits, 1=0.1, 2=0.01
bool recoverymode=false; // we multiply the lots size after closed losses
double recoverymultiplier=2; // recovery multiplier
bool martingale=false; // enable the martingale, set maxtrades to 1
int martingalemode=0; // 0=increase after a loss, 1=increase after a profit
double multiplier=2.0; // multiplier used for the martingale
double percentrecovering=0; // enabled if >0, percentage of the last losses to recover
bool fibomartingale=false; // enable the martingale with fibonacci progression
int fibomartingalemode=0; // 0=increase after a loss, 1=increase after a profit
bool alembert=false; // alembert's martingale
int alembertmode=0; // 0=increment/decrement after a loss/profit, 1=decrement/increment after a loss/profit
double increment=1; // prev lots+lots*increment
double decrement=1; // prev lots-lots*increment
int resetlevel=500; // enabled if <500, martingale/fibomartingale/alembert is reseted after resetlevel consecutive losses/profits
string profitmanagement="Profit Management";
bool basketpercent=false; // enable the basket percent
double profitpercent=0.1; // close all orders if a profit of 0.1 percents has been reached
double losspercent=100; // close all orders if a loss of 100 percents has been reached
bool basketpips=false; // enable the basket pips
double profitpips=10; // close all orders if a profit of 10 pips has been reached
double losspips=10000; // close all orders if a loss of 10000 pips has been reached
bool basketdollars=false; // enable basket dollars
double profitdollars=5; // target in dollars
double lossdollars=10000; // target in dollars
bool baskettrailpercent=false; // basket trail in percent
double trailstartpercent=1; // trailstart percent
double trailstoppercent=0.5; // trailstop percent
bool baskettrailpips=false; // basket trail in pips
double trailstartpips=75; // trailstart pips
double trailstoppips=20; // trailstop pips
bool baskettraildollars=false; // basket trail in dollars
double trailstartdollars=10; // trailstart dollars
double trailstopdollars=5; // trailstop dollars
extern string ordersmanagement="Order Management";
extern bool ecn=false; // make the expert compatible with ecn brokers
bool instantorders=true; // instant orders
bool stoporders=false; // stoporders
bool limitorders=false; // limit orders
bool onecancelother=false; // cancel opposite pending orders when one is triggered
int gap=20; // gap for pending orders
bool deleteold=false; // delete old pending orders
bool oppositedelete=false; // delete the pending orders on an opposite signal
extern bool oppositeclose=true; // close the orders on an opposite signal
bool checkclose=false; // we check close of the orders on opposite signal
int oppositecloseminloss=0; // min loss to consider to enable opposite close
extern bool reversesignals=false; // reverse the signals, long if short, short if long
extern int maxtrades=500; // maximum trades allowed by the traders
extern int tradesperbar=1; // maximum trades per bar allowed by the expert
bool tradesperday=false; // maximum number of trades per day
int trades=1; // trades per day
extern bool hidesl=false; // hide stop loss
extern bool hidetp=false; // hide take profit
extern double stoploss=0; // stop loss
extern double takeprofit=0; // take profit
bool partialexit=false; // partial exit at opposite close
bool partialtp=false; // partial close at takeprofit 2 and takeprofit 3
double takeprofit2=5; // takeprofit 2 to close a certain percentage of lots
double tp2percentage=50; // percentage of lots to close at takeprofit 2
double takeprofit3=20; // takeprofit 3 to close a certain percentage of lots
double tp3percentage=25; // percentage of lots to close at takeprofit 3
int trailingstopmode=0; // 0 new sl=price-/+ts, 1 new sl=sl+/-ts or order open price/-ts if sl=0
extern double trailingstart=0; // profit in pips required to enable the trailing stop
extern double trailingstop=0; // trailing stop
double trailingprofit=0; // trailing profit
extern double trailingstep=1; // margin allowed to the market to enable the trailing stop
extern double breakevengain=0; // gain in pips required to enable the break even
extern double breakeven=0; // break even
int expiration=1440; // expiration in minutes for pending orders
double slippage=0; // maximum difference in pips between signal and order
extern double maxspread=0; // maximum spread allowed by the expert, 0=disabled
extern string adordersmanagement="Advanced Order Management";
extern bool firstticks=false; // we enter on first ticks only
extern int ticks=4; // first ticks
bool ignoreinitialbar=false; // ignore initial bar to not enter when we need to restart the platform
extern bool changedirection=false; // only buy after a sell order, sell after a buy order
extern bool onesideatatime=false; // enter only long or short when a long or short is already opened
extern double stop=0; // stop=stoploss and takeprofit
extern double trailing=0; // trailing=trailingstart and trailingstop
bool addpositions=false; // add positions, set tradesperbar to 100
bool signalfilter=false; // signal filter for added positions
int addposmode=0; // 0=counter, 1=follow, 2=both
double pipstep=20; // minimum difference in pips between orders
double pipstepfactor=1.0; // multiply the pipstep by the number of buy/sell orders
bool reverseatstop=false; // we reverse the order when the stoploss has been reached
bool rasoppositeclose=true; // close reversed order on opposite signal
int rasstoploss=0; // reversed order stop loss
int rastakeprofit=0; // reversed order take profit
bool sleepafterxlosses=false; // ea sleeps after x consecutive losses
int xlosses=4; // x consecutive losses
int sleepminutes=60; // sleep minutes
bool highlowts=false; // auto trailing stop
int highlowtsmargin=2; // auto trailing stop margin
bool rangesl=false; // range stoploss based highest lowest bar
int rangesltf=0; // range stoploss tf
int rangeslperiod=10; // range stoploss based on the high/low of the x last candles
bool rangetp=false; // range takeprofit based highest lowest bar
int rangetptf=0; // range takeprofit tf
int rangetpperiod=10; // range takeprofit based on the high/low of the x last candles
extern string entrylogics="Entry Logics";
extern bool mafilter=true;
extern int timeframe=60;
extern int maperiod1=10;
extern int maperiod2=20;
extern int maperiod3=100;
bool exitrule=false;
extern int shift=1; // bar in the past to take in consideration for the signal
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ EXTERNAL INPUTS 2 +---------------+
string timefilter="Time Filter";
bool usetimefilter=false;
int summergmtshift=0; // gmt offset of the broker
int wintergmtshift=0; // gmt offset of the broker
bool mondayfilter=false; // enable special time filter on friday
int mondayhour=12; // start to trade after this hour
int mondayminute=0; // minutes of the friday hour
bool weekfilter=false; // enable time filter
int starthour=7; // start hour to trade after this hour
int startminute=0; // minutes of the start hour
int endhour=21; // stop to trade after this hour
int endminute=0; // minutes of the start hour
bool tradesunday=true; // trade on sunday
bool fridayfilter=false; // enable special time filter on friday
int fridayhour=12; // stop to trade after this hour
int fridayminute=0; // minutes of the friday hour
int testhour=24; // individual test of hour if <24
bool monthfilter=false;
int startmonth=1;
int startday=4;
int endmonth=12;
int endday=18;
bool excludedays=false;
int excludeday1=3;
int excludeday2=10;
bool closetime=false;
int closehour=21;
string newsfilters="News Filter";
bool newsfilter=false; // we stop to enter trades during news
//bool backtesting=false; // backtesting doesn't consider impact level
int minutesbefore=30; // minutes to consider before the news to stop trading
int minutesafter=30; // minutes to consider after the news to stop trading
bool impacthigh=false; // consider impact high
bool impactmedium=false; // consider impact medium
bool impactlow=false; // consider impact low