#property copyright "Copyright ?2012, Fx-robot.ru"
#property link "zhtfx.com"
extern int MagicNumber = 1;
extern double Lots_1 = 0.01;
extern double Lots_2 = 0.01;
extern double KoeffLots = 2.0;
extern double LossInValute = 3.0;
extern double ProfitInValute = 3.0;
extern double SumProfitInValute = 2.0;
extern int Slippage = 3;
extern string OrdersComment = "Shurgin_Collector";
int gi_160;
int g_magic_164;
int g_ticket_168;
int g_count_172;
int gi_176;
int gi_180;
int gi_184;
double g_lots_188;
double g_maxlot_212;
double g_minlot_220;
double g_lotstep_228;
double g_maxlot_236;
double g_minlot_244;
double g_lotstep_252;
double gda_260[500];
double gda_264[500];
double gd_268;
double gd_276;
string g_comment_284;
string g_comment_292;
string g_text_300;
bool gba_308[500];
bool gba_312[500];
bool gba_316[500];
bool gba_320[500];
int init() {
if ((!IsExpertEnabled()) && !IsTesting()) Comment("Running experts in the terminal is prohibited! Click the \"EA\" on the toolbar.");
ObjectCreate("Copyright", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 1.0);
ObjectSet("Copyright", OBJPROP_CORNER, 2);
ObjectSet("Copyright", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 3);
ObjectSet("Copyright", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 1);
g_text_300 = "Shurgin Aleksandr " + CharToStr(174) + " zhtfx.com";
ObjectSetText("Copyright", g_text_300, 12, "Times New Roman", Tomato);
ObjectSet("Copyright", OBJPROP_TIMEFRAMES, NULL);
ObjectSet("Copyright", OBJPROP_BACK, FALSE);
gi_160 = 1000 * MagicNumber;
g_maxlot_212 = MarketInfo(Pair_1, MODE_MAXLOT);
g_minlot_220 = MarketInfo(Pair_1, MODE_MINLOT);
g_lotstep_228 = MarketInfo(Pair_1, MODE_LOTSTEP);
if (g_lotstep_228 = 0; pos_0--) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if ((OrderSymbol() != Pair_1 && OrderSymbol() != Pair_2) || OrderMagicNumber() = gi_160 + 1000) continue;
if (OrderMagicNumber() = 2 && gd_268 >= SumProfitInValute) {
Print("*** Closure of all first orders at (SumProfitInValute) of profit ", gd_268);
CloseAll(1, -1);
return (0);
if (li_16 >= 2 && gd_276 >= SumProfitInValute) {
Print("*** Closure of second order in (SumProfitInValute) of profit ", gd_276);
CloseAll(2, -1);
return (0);
if (gda_260[li_12] >= ProfitInValute) {
Print("*** Closure ", li_12 + 1," a pair of first order in (ProfitInValute) of profit ", gda_260[li_12]);
CloseAll(1, li_12);
return (0);
if (gda_264[li_16] >= ProfitInValute) {
Print("*** Closure ", li_16 + 1," a pair of second order (ProfitInValute) of profit ", gda_264[li_16]);
CloseAll(2, li_16);
return (0);
if (li_12 = 0 && (!gba_308[li_12]) && gba_312[li_12]) {
Print("*** Opening of the first order of the first pair");
g_lots_188 = NRL1(Lots_1 * MathPow(KoeffLots, li_12));
g_magic_164 = gi_160 + li_12;
} else {
if (li_12 >= 0 && gba_308[li_12] && gba_312[li_12] && gda_260[li_12] 0.0) {
g_ticket_168 = OrderSend(Pair_1, OP_BUY, g_lots_188, MarketInfo(Pair_1, MODE_ASK), Slippage, 0, 0, g_comment_284, g_magic_164, 0, Blue);
if (g_ticket_168 > 0) {
g_count_172 = 0;
while (g_count_172 = 0 && (!gba_312[li_12]) && gba_308[li_12]) {
Print("*** Opening of the first order of the first pair");
g_lots_188 = NRL2(Lots_2 * MathPow(KoeffLots, li_12));
g_magic_164 = gi_160 + li_12;
} else {
if (li_12 >= 0 && gba_308[li_12] && gba_312[li_12] && gda_260[li_12] 0.0) {
g_ticket_168 = OrderSend(Pair_2, OP_SELL, g_lots_188, MarketInfo(Pair_2, MODE_BID), Slippage, 0, 0, g_comment_284, g_magic_164, 0, Red);
if (g_ticket_168 > 0) {
g_count_172 = 0;
while (g_count_172 = 0 && (!gba_316[li_16]) && gba_320[li_16]) {
Print("*** Opening of the first order of the second pair");
g_lots_188 = NRL1(Lots_1 * MathPow(KoeffLots, li_16));
g_magic_164 = gi_160 + li_16 + 500;
} else {
if (li_16 >= 0 && gba_316[li_16] && gba_320[li_16] && gda_264[li_16] 0.0) {
g_ticket_168 = OrderSend(Pair_2, OP_BUY, g_lots_188, MarketInfo(Pair_2, MODE_ASK), Slippage, 0, 0, g_comment_292, g_magic_164, 0, Blue);
if (g_ticket_168 > 0) {
g_count_172 = 0;
while (g_count_172 = 0 && (!gba_320[li_16]) && gba_316[li_16]) {
Print("*** Opening of the first order of the second pair");
g_lots_188 = NRL2(Lots_2 * MathPow(KoeffLots, li_16));
g_magic_164 = gi_160 + li_16 + 500;
} else {
if (li_16 >= 0 && gba_316[li_16] && gba_320[li_16] && gda_264[li_16] 0.0) {
g_ticket_168 = OrderSend(Pair_1, OP_SELL, g_lots_188, MarketInfo(Pair_1, MODE_BID), Slippage, 0, 0, g_comment_292, g_magic_164, 0, Red);
if (g_ticket_168 > 0) {
g_count_172 = 0;
while (g_count_172 g_maxlot_212) return (g_maxlot_212);
return (NormalizeDouble(ad_0, gi_176));
double NRL2(double ad_0) {
if (ad_0 g_maxlot_236) return (g_maxlot_236);
return (NormalizeDouble(ad_0, gi_180));
int deinit() {
return (0);
void CloseAll(int ai_0, int ai_4) {
bool li_12 = TRUE;
if (ai_0 == 1) {
while (li_12) {
li_12 = FALSE;
for (int pos_8 = OrdersTotal() - 1; pos_8 >= 0; pos_8--) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (ai_4 >= 0 && OrderMagicNumber() != gi_160 + ai_4) continue;
if (ai_4 = gi_160 + 500) continue;
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Pair_2) {
li_12 = TRUE;
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(Pair_2, MODE_ASK), Slippage);
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Pair_1) {
li_12 = TRUE;
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(Pair_1, MODE_BID), Slippage);
if (li_12) Sleep(2000);
} else {
while (li_12) {
li_12 = FALSE;
for (pos_8 = OrdersTotal() - 1; pos_8 >= 0; pos_8--) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (ai_4 >= 0 && OrderMagicNumber() != gi_160 + ai_4 + 500) continue;
if (ai_4 = gi_160 + 1000) continue;
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Pair_1) {
li_12 = TRUE;
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(Pair_1, MODE_ASK), Slippage);
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Pair_2) {
li_12 = TRUE;
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), MarketInfo(Pair_2, MODE_BID), Slippage);
if (li_12) Sleep(2000);
这是原代码,但是下单的时候都 是0.1手,而且每次一下都是三个多空单,求修改成下单量每次0.01手,多空只进一单。 |