以下的这个EA,小弟有个问题,资金管理这块作者定义的止损,为什么要定义3个StopLevel?有什么意义? 一个都损了,另外2个设置还有啥用呢?
//|Money Management |
extern double StopLoss=250; // Maximum pips willing to lose per position. 止损点数
extern bool UseTrailingStop=true; //是否使用追踪止损
extern int TrailingStopType=3; // Type 1 moves stop immediately, Type 2 waits til value of TS is reached 追踪止损 1 立即止损 2 移动止损
extern double TrailingStop=40; // Change to whatever number of pips you wish to trail your position with. 追踪止损 点数
extern double TRStopLevel_1=20; // Type 3 first level pip gain
extern double TrailingStop1=20; // Move Stop to Breakeven
extern double TRStopLevel_2=30; // Type 3 second level pip gain
extern double TrailingStop2=20; // Move stop to lock is profit
extern double TRStopLevel_3=50; // type 3 third level pip gain
extern double TrailingStop3=20; // Move stop and trail from there
extern int TakeProfit=0; // Maximum profit level achieved. 止羸点数
extern double Margincutoff=500; // Expert will stop trading if equity level decreases to that level.
extern int Slippage=10; // Possible fix for not getting closed