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A brief survey of them reveals that human factors still prove to be the l导致尖锐湿疣发生的“3”大原因eading causes. For example, three of these fires were caused by the students’ use of electric water-heaters. As students often leave the heaters unattended, the risks are rather high should the water in the bottle boil dry while no one is around to turn off the power. In other cases, fires were also女性朋友患上了尖锐湿疣该怎么去护理 caused by stoves, candles, cigarette butts, etc.
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Yes: The prisoner was found guilty not only of bribery but also of adultery.
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Though most of students taking seats in advance is for better study, this kind of phenomenon has great negative effects. On the one hand, it is a selfish behavior, which damages other st尖锐湿疣大多需要多长时间治愈udents interests. Sometimes even if many students come to the classroom very early, they can not find a seat. On the other hand, reserving a seat violates the rule of 数十座建筑在大战之中被摧毁fairness. No matt朝对方逃窜的方向掠去er how late you come to class, the seat is still reserved for you even though many others are eager for that seat.
3. Parents are not at all permissive to their children. Violence often takes place in families in which children are abused.
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