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从天堂落入地狱 华尔街金童成落魄街友

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优雅的凤eua 发表于 2017-11-9 22:54:59 | 只看该作者 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
从天堂落入地狱 华尔街金童成落魄街友
威廉姆·金(William King)80年代曾在美国华尔街叱咤风云。(图片来源:)

曾经呼风唤雨的威廉姆·金(William King)因染上毒瘾,如今流落街头。
中国日报网8月12日电(信莲) 综合外媒12日报道,威廉姆·金(William King)曾经在美国华尔街叱咤风云,他的故事有如《华尔街之狼》的翻版,如今却栖身路边防静电工服制作厂家 ,睡在披萨纸盒上,这一切正是拜毒品所赐芜湖工装定制
现年52岁的威廉姆于80年代担任股票经纪人,曾在美林证券与Oppenheimer Co.任职,住在纽约一间豪华公寓,出入都开名车,正如他的妹妹克里斯廷·金(Kristine King)所说,曾经任何东西对他来说都唾手可得,他要什么有什么。她还称威廉姆过去在校成绩顶尖,念中学和纽约大学时虽然辍学,却仍能自学5种语言。
然而威廉姆在度过30年的黄金时光后漳州衬衫定做 ,逐渐开始走下坡路,夜夜笙歌让他染上毒瘾,开始重度依赖。
近日,纽约警方为了市议会要“清理市容”,赶走街头流浪者,就有警员拍下多名流浪者的照片反对议会霸道行为东莞制服定做 ,威廉姆的母亲在照片中看到他,随后便联系克里斯廷,在纽约广发照片寻人。
IT WAS the 1980s高级服装定制, greed was good, and William “Preston” King was on top of the world.
The stockbroker, who was pals with Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort盐城工作服定制 , raked in the dough from plum jobs with Merrill Lynch and Oppenheimer Co, living large in a New York City loft and driving around in a BMW.
But the tall, blue-eyed-and-blond regular at downtown dance clubs partied too hard, sucking down R my Martin and Cokes and snorting mountains of e.
The good times turned into a downward spiral that lasted three decades, and led him to a life on the streets, sleeping on empty pizza boxes on a footpath, his family says.
“The kid had everything at his fingertips,” said King s younger sister, Kristine, who learnt of his plight from a photo in The New York Post. “Anything he wanted he could have.”
The photo was part of a collection assembled by the New York Police Department s sergeants union as part of a campaign to shame City Hall into action against vagrants.
“Where he was then, and where he is now, sleeping on cardboard boxes, it s unthinkable to me and heartbreaking,” said Kristine King, 45, whose family s last contact with Preston was in January.
She said her brother, 52, grew up on Long Island, and his dad and grandfather were horse trainers.
He scored in the top two per cent on the Series 7 stockbrokers exam despite dropping out of high school and New York University, she said.
And he taught himself five foreign languages, learning French on his own in three weeks and picking up Dutch on a trip to Amsterdam.
But his demons always won out, eventually destroying his marriage to a single mum with whom he had moved to Florida.
He returned to New York and landed a job with a reality TV show through his producer sister — but then lost it for showing up to work drunk.
But even all that did little to prepare his family for the shock they got following The New York Post report.
Kristine said their mum spotted the photo and immediately called her, leading Kristine to email the publication, which put her in touch with Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins.
Hours later, Kristine and SBA Treasurer Paul Capotosto were scouring New York s Greenwich Village and handing out flyers to find her brother.
“The sergeants, the SBA and The New York Post are amazing,” she said.
The last his family knew服装工服定制 , Preston was getting detoxed at Arms Acres in Putnam County, New York, where he was sent after a January incident at his sister s house, where he had been living.
Kristine said he had been seeing a shrink who prescribed him Adderall, which Preston abused to the point of paranoia. She said she cut ties with him for stealing her cash.
“I screamed at him about taking the money and told him to write me a letter and apologise when he comes clean, and we ll talk,” she said. “That was the last time we spoke.”
Stockbrokers ... William Preston King was once pals with Wolf of Wall Street Jordan B
Stockbrokers ... William Preston King was once pals with Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort. Picture: Regi Varghese Source: News Corp Australia
Kristine had a tearful message for her suffering brother.
“I want him to know his sister loves him and wants to get him help and wants to make sure he s OK岳阳工作服定制 ,” she said. “I would go to the end of the Earth to protect and save him.”
A friend who worked an overnight shift with Preston last year at a company raising investment money for a tech firm recalled watching The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, with him on TV
“He s like, All right, I used to work with these guys ,” said Jesse Catlin, 33. “He was giving me all the stories from the glory days.”
Belfort did not return requests for comment.



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