说明如下:需要点英文基础啊。大意是这个指标有助投资者找到合适的开仓位置,从而风险较小。此类指标虽然不够吸引眼球,但却是大师级人物智慧的积累,有算法价值。 DescriptionThe Range Rider Indicator was developed by Larry Williams in 2006. It is a variation on the indicator which gauges volatility. With its help one can easily identify important price zones, where opening of trades is the most appropriate in terms of risks.Technical Indicator Range Rider is the measure of market volatility. However, the calculation is based not on the gauge of the price movements strength, but on the quotient, which is the result of division of one volatility level (2-day ATR) by the other one (7-day ATR). The result is Range Rider Indicator's values that point out either strengthening or weakening of volatility; it takes into account the influence of the longest-term period on the least short-term one.