我的一个朋友介绍我开了一个帐户,并存了48500美元以进行交易。他们做了交易,亏损了,然后赚了很多钱,然后我要求出金,但我开始注意到我账户中的大量亏损交易。 10月11日上午,我无法打开平台帐户,因此我与他们联系,他们说我的帐户违反了规定,他们不得不冻结我的本金3个月。现在已经过去了三个月,该平台仍然没有让我出金。XSpot在一段时间后停止回复电子邮件,这会让我陷入困境。

fraudulent broker
I was introduced by a friend to open an account and deposit an accumulated 48,500 U.S. dollars in order to make a trade transaction. They ran up and made a loss, and then made a lot of profit after that, then I asked to withdraw but I started noticing bulk of loss trades in my account. On the morning of October 11th, I could not open the platform account so I contacted them, they said that my account had violated the rules and they had to freeze my principal for 3 months. Now that three months have passed, the platform still didn’t give me any withdrawals on the grounds of the illegal account . X Spot Markets stopped replying their emails after some time and would have left me stranded.