纳尔萨克期货有限公司(Narsaq Futures limited)骗了我。骗子使用Meta Trader 5平台清除了我账户中的所有资金。他们说,我给他们看了模拟账户的照片,表明可以赚很多钱。他们说所有这些照片都是谎言,而您的朋友根本就在为Narsak工作,这些话都是谎言。他们说,他特别下达了提取您的钱的命令,因为Narsak知道您要提取12,000。他们说,如果您的朋友拥有他们说过的财富,现在已经对您有所帮助,因为她知道,如果在MT5中订购130,这笔钱将会丢失。他们为Narsak工作,他们有人们如何解决narsaq和manipuleren的处境。

Scam on MT5 by BrokerNARSAQ FUTURES
Hong Kong's swindler..was scamed by broker Narsaq futures limited which using Meta Trader 5 Platform to clean all money from my account .They say I showed them pictures of demo accounts to show that a lot of money could be made. They say all these pictures are lies and your friend is working for Narsak at all and these words were all lies. They say he specifically placed an order to withdraw your money because Narsak knew you wanted to withdraw 12,000. They say that if your friend had the wealth they say had helped you by now, because she knew that if order 130 in MT5, the money would be lost. they work for Narsak they have people how work uitsite narsaq and manipuleren situation .