我在经纪人的电报频道中发现该平台,决定投资。他告诉我可以每天给我60%的回报。最初我存入了 1000 美元,但后来我加了更多的钱,因为他保证每天 60% 的回报。仅在 1 小时内,我的资金就耗尽了 50%!荒谬的策略和糟糕的资金管理!我认为他故意亏钱是为了让交易商赚钱!他消失了,甚至不接我的电话!

Broker's Agent Lost 50% of my fund
I contacted this guy who provides account management service. I found his service inside broker's telegram channel. So i decided to approach him. He told me he can give me a return of 60% daily. Originally i deposit 1k USD, but then i added more money because he guarantees 60% return daily. Only in 1 hour, 50% of my fund was gone! Ridiculous strategy and bad money management! I think he purposely lose the money so the broker can earn! He wont return or even answer my calls!