我被骗走了大约126,000 美元。客户经理是最初的联系人,她联系并误导我们,说服我们不断增加存款。在我拒绝并要求她退还我的钱的那一刻,我的帐户被冻结了,我迅速向金融恢复机构 fintrack/org 发起了调查,Opson 的恶意被暴露了,我的资金在经历了一段艰难的挣扎后归还给了我。

Utterly disappointing
I was defrauded out of about $126,000. The account manager was the initial point of contact, she contacted us, misled us, and persuaded us to make ever-increasing deposits. The moment i refused and asked that she refund my money, my account was blocked I quickly launched an investigation with a financial recovery authority fintrack/org, the ill intention of Opson was exposed and my funds returned to me after a difficult period of struggling.