有人告诉我,我不能取钱或关闭账户,因为账户正在恢复中,并且交易没有涵盖保险量(我没有被告知)并且在 fintrack/org 协助集体诉讼之前一直无助减轻了我的滞留资金的释放 Kovie全球的;一家欺诈性的投资公司,没有为投资者提供安全的计划。

An absolute con
I was told i can't take money out or close the account because the account was in recovery and the trades had not covered the insurance volume (which I wasn't told about) and was left helpless till the fintrack/org aided class action eased the release of my stuck funds from Kovie Global; a fraudulent investment company with no safe plan for investors.