从SICH Capital到Opsontechfx的骗子
我首先被允许提取小额利润,所以我进一步存款并与他们交易。过了一段时间,我打算把我所有的钱都提取出来,159000美元,但是经纪人一直向我收取费用。首先是 10% 的杠杆费,达到 29020 美元。之后,他们告诉我,我欠个人所得税 50,000 美元,即 12%。后来,他们要求我支付 37935 美元的 10% 的转会费。即使我支付了所有这些额外费用,我的账户仍然被禁止,因为他们仍然有理由让我不提取我的钱。

From SICH capital to Opsontechfx liers
I was first permitted to withdraw the small profit, so I made further deposits and traded with them. After some time, I intended to withdraw all of my money, which was $159000, but the broker kept charging me fees. The first was a leverage fee of 10%, which came to $29020 . After that, they informed me that I owed personal income tax of $50,000, or 12 percent. Later, they demanded that I pay a transfer fee of 10% of $37935. My account was still barred even after I paid all of these additional fees since they still had a justification for me not to withdraw my money.