我的MT5用户名是920046。我于 2022 年 2 月 2 日开始作为该程序的一部分,我通常会购买股票并设置特定股票的止损单以保护账户。该订单最初是由kovie MT5以我下止损单的准确价格关闭的,但到2022年3月8日,Kovie操纵了MT5 软件及整个收盘价与我下了止损单,导致我的账户损失高达 54,205 美元。

withdrawal denied
My MT5 username is 920046. I started participating on February 2, 2022, and as part of that procedure, I typically buy stocks and set up share-specific stop loss orders in order to protect the account. The order was initially closed by kovie MT5 software at the precise price at which I had placed the stop loss order, but by March 8, 2022, Kovie had intervened in the MT5 software, causing the entire closing price to diverge from the price at which I had placed the stop loss order, resulting in a loss of up to $54,205 for my account.