我在投资期间通过在线平台向DUALIX支付了 35,000 美元,但令我惊讶的是,我无法出金。我在fintrack/org的帮助下进行退款,我的存款直接到了我的钱包。我不明白的一件事是客户经理如何在未经我同意的情况下进行交易,但是当我要求提取利润,他们轮流说我的银行有问题或者我被标记为洗钱

Absolute con
I made a payment of $35,000 during the period of investing with dualix via their online platform but to my surprise I couldn't withdraw I filed for a chargeback that came under fintrack/ org with my deposit sent directly to my wallet One thing I never understood was how the account manager made trades without my consent but when I asked to withdraw the profits, they took turns to say my bank was either faulty or I've been flagged for money laundering