它从tinder开始,玩弄我的感情,我绝不会允许这些人再欺骗任何人。他们通过我的硬币库中的 usdt 接受了我的 125,000 美元作为付款,但他们声称这从未反映在他们的身上。我无法核实他们是否真的收到了款项,直到资产回收机构介入为投资回报扫清了道路。要小心,因为这家名为 Wintersnow 的公司并不是他们声称的那样。

Don’t fall for it
It started from tinder, played with my feelings, there is no way I will permit these individuals to scavenge any more people. They accepted my $125,000 via usdt from my coinbase as payment, but they asserted that it was never reflected on their end. I was unable to verify whether they had truly received the payment until assetsclaimback recovery agency stepped in to clear the way for the return on investment. Be cautious because this firm called Wintersnow is not what they claim to be.