Zeno 和其他诈骗公司一样
在投资这个平台并从存款交易中获利后,提款的时间到了,我被拒绝单独提款。我假设是客户经理要求为我的客户组合充值,作为一个新手,我听取了她的所有建议,直到我意识到这看起来像是一个骗局,导致我的客户经理亲自采取了行动并且不知道,Fintrack/org的背景调查行动揭示了Zeno的违规行为,以及他们如何将所有存款和交易投资者的资金秘密转移到市场上以谋取私利。我早期对 Fintrack 的投诉和对Zeno的怀疑挽救了我的投资

Zeno is just like every other scam company
after investing in this platform and making profits from the trades done with the deposits , the time to withdraw came and I was denied access to withdraw severally. my suppose to be account manager requested a top up on my account portfolio and being a novice I listen to all her advice until it got to a point I realized this is looking like a scam which resulted into actions taken personally and unknown to my account manager , the background investigative actions of Fintrack/org revealed the irregularities on the part of Zeno and how they have been redirecting all deposits and trading investors funds secretly in the market for their own selfish gains . my early complaints to Fin track and suspicion of Zeno saved my investment