我想告诉你关于无良交易商Jinkra的事。这是一个不提取资金的诈骗平台。在您将资金存入平台并尝试提取少量资金后,他们会出金以表明他们运作良好。但是当你有少量利润时,他们开始要求对利润征收35%的税,并且不提取资金。我开始进一步交易,我的利润变成负数-$1706,之后我收到了来自平台的一封信,说我被罚款 3000usdt 并威胁要冻结我的账户。技术支持目前不回复网站上的电子邮件或实时聊天。请帮我拿回我的钱。

Impossible withdraw deposit
I want to tell you about the unscrupulous broker Jinkra. This is a scam platform that does not withdraw funds. After you deposit funds into the platform and try to withdraw a small amount, they withdraw to show that they are working well. But then when you have a small profit, they begin to demand a tax of 35% on profits and do not withdraw funds. I started trading further and my profit became negative -1706$, after that I received a letter from the platform that I was fined 3000usdt and threatened to block my account. Technical support is currently not responding to emails or live chat on the site. Help me get my money back.