当这些人继续谋杀其他人时,我不会保持沉默。一切都开始于在网上遇到的一位中国女士,她玩弄我的感情并鼓励我投资SHD。我同意了,他们拿走了我89,000美元的投资,但他们谎称他们从未得到它。直到Austrac/org的干预才停止了这个骗局并收回了投资。谨慎使用这个假交易商 SHD 他们不是我们认为的那样,他们只是骗子

won't be silent while these people continue to murder others. After everything started meeting a Chinese lady online who played with my feelings and encouraged me to invest with SHD . I agreed to it and they took my $89,000 investment, but they lied that they never got it. It wasn't until the Austrac/ org intervention that this scam was stopped and investment was returned. Utilize caution With this fake broker SHD they aren’t what we think they are nothing but fraud