Wintersnow 是一个骗子,因为另一个交易商离开了他们
我在 Twitter 上与 Wintersnow 对质,并说,这是错误的投资地点,他们阻止了我。您的投资将在不知不觉中全部损失,因此您将付出很多代价。这是一个巧妙构建的平台,用于吸引那些无意中创造利润但实际上无法兑现的没有经验的投资者。我是他们愤怒的受害者。我最初损失了 120,000 美元给他们,并在我的客户经理的建议下又增加了 50,000 美元的押金以弥补我的损失,但是有许多不必要的会议和延误,使他们无法简单地退还我的钱。

Wintersnow is a con left them for another broker
I confronted Wintersnow on Twitter and said, This is the wrong place to invest,and they blocked me. Your investments will all be lost before you know it, thus it will cost you a lot. It is a cleverly built platform for luring inexperienced investors who unintentionally create profits they are unable to actually cash. I was the victim of their rage. I initially lost $120,000 to them and added another $50,000 deposit to recover my losses on the advice of a my account manager, but there were numerous meetings and delays that were unnecessary and prevented them from simply returning my money.